Grįžti į pagrindinį puslapį
Kraunami žaidimo elementai (10%)
Partija #645586565
Ėjimas #105
Eiga 100%


Rodyti žaidimo įrašus
Rodyti iššokančius pranešimus

Žaidimo nustatymai

Žaidimo režimas
Žaidimo greitis
Šis žaidimas buvo atnaujintas žaidimo metu: taigi, peržaidimas yra EKSPERIMENTINIS.



0 -181197781 eur Visitor-181


Rodyti žaidimo įrašus
Rodyti iššokančius pranešimus

Žaidimo nustatymai

Žaidimo režimas
Žaidimo greitis

Pastaba: 3D yra eksperimentinis

Jūs esate šio žaidimo žiūrovas
Rodyti žymeklį
Real time score: 173
Rodyti žymeklį
Real time score: 77
Rodyti žymeklį

Tai mano pirmasis žaidimas, tad mano laikas padvigubintas
Ačiū už pagalbą!

Real time score: 253
Žiūrovai: Visitor-181197781
Prisijungti iš naujo
Žaidimo pabaiga: BeardyTAS laimi!
BeardyTAS scores 60 points - Stayed
TessotheMorning scores 0 points - Busted
LeoTheLeopardNZ scores 0 points - Busted
End of the current round (no more active players)
LeoTheLeopardNZ busts and will score 0
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
BeardyTAS stays and will score 60
BeardyTAS gets
BeardyTAS gets
BeardyTAS gets
BeardyTAS must draw three cards
LeoTheLeopardNZ gives
to BeardyTAS
04:29 AM
BeardyTAS gets
04:26 AM
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
04:25 AM
BeardyTAS gets
04:21 AM
TessotheMorning busts and will score 0
TessotheMorning gets
01:16 AM
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
12:32 AM
BeardyTAS gets
TessotheMorning gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
BeardyTAS gets
BeardyTAS gets
BeardyTAS gets
BeardyTAS must draw three cards
BeardyTAS takes
12:23 AM
New round
BeardyTAS scores 24 points - Frozen
TessotheMorning scores 62 points - Flipped
LeoTheLeopardNZ scores 0 points - Busted
End of the current round (someone Flipped 7)
TessotheMorning just flip 7 🎉
TessotheMorning gets
TessotheMorning gets
12:09 AM
TessotheMorning gets
TessotheMorning gets
BeardyTAS freezes and will score 24
TessotheMorning gives
to BeardyTAS
12:08 AM
LeoTheLeopardNZ busts and will score 0
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
3/19/2025 12:05 AM
BeardyTAS gets
09:00 PM
TessotheMorning gets
08:59 PM
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
12:32 PM
BeardyTAS gets
11:02 AM
TessotheMorning gets
11:01 AM
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
BeardyTAS gets
TessotheMorning gets
New round
BeardyTAS scores 47 points - Stayed
TessotheMorning scores 0 points - Busted
LeoTheLeopardNZ scores 36 points - Stayed
End of the current round (no more active players)
TessotheMorning busts and will score 0
TessotheMorning gets
All the discarded cards are shuffled
11:00 AM
BeardyTAS stays and will score 47
10:58 AM
TessotheMorning gets
10:55 AM
BeardyTAS gets
10:54 AM
TessotheMorning gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ stays and will score 36
10:51 AM
BeardyTAS gets
10:47 AM
TessotheMorning gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
10:41 AM
BeardyTAS gets
10:32 AM
TessotheMorning gets
10:31 AM
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
BeardyTAS gets
TessotheMorning gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
BeardyTAS gets
TessotheMorning gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
New round
BeardyTAS scores 0 points - Busted
TessotheMorning scores 0 points - Busted
LeoTheLeopardNZ scores 23 points - Frozen
End of the current round (no more active players)
BeardyTAS busts and will score 0
BeardyTAS gets
BeardyTAS gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ freezes and will score 23
BeardyTAS gives
to LeoTheLeopardNZ
10:28 AM
TessotheMorning busts and will score 0
TessotheMorning gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
BeardyTAS gets
10:27 AM
TessotheMorning gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
BeardyTAS gets
New round
BeardyTAS scores 32 points - Stayed
TessotheMorning scores 0 points - Busted
LeoTheLeopardNZ scores 0 points - Busted
End of the current round (no more active players)
BeardyTAS stays and will score 32
BeardyTAS gets
BeardyTAS gets
10:26 AM
BeardyTAS discards "second chance" and the cards they just draw.
BeardyTAS gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ busts and will score 0
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
BeardyTAS gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
BeardyTAS gets
TessotheMorning busts and will score 0
TessotheMorning gets
10:25 AM
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
BeardyTAS gets
TessotheMorning gets
10:24 AM
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
BeardyTAS gets
TessotheMorning gets
New round
BeardyTAS scores 30 points - Frozen
TessotheMorning scores 0 points - Busted
LeoTheLeopardNZ scores 28 points - Stayed
End of the current round (no more active players)
TessotheMorning busts and will score 0
TessotheMorning gets
TessotheMorning gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ stays and will score 28
10:23 AM
BeardyTAS freezes and will score 30
TessotheMorning gives
to BeardyTAS
10:22 AM
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
10:20 AM
BeardyTAS gets
10:19 AM
TessotheMorning gets
10:09 AM
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
10:07 AM
BeardyTAS gets
09:06 AM
TessotheMorning gets
09:00 AM
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
08:59 AM
BeardyTAS gets
08:47 AM
TessotheMorning gets
08:21 AM
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
BeardyTAS gets
TessotheMorning gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
New round
BeardyTAS scores 0 points - Busted
TessotheMorning scores 0 points - Busted
LeoTheLeopardNZ scores 41 points - Stayed
End of the current round (no more active players)
LeoTheLeopardNZ stays and will score 41
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
BeardyTAS busts and will score 0
BeardyTAS gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
06:46 AM
BeardyTAS gets
06:45 AM
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
BeardyTAS gets
06:42 AM
TessotheMorning busts and will score 0
TessotheMorning gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
06:39 AM
BeardyTAS gets
06:38 AM
TessotheMorning gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
BeardyTAS gets
New round
BeardyTAS scores 31 points - Stayed
TessotheMorning scores 15 points - Frozen
LeoTheLeopardNZ scores 45 points - Stayed
End of the current round (no more active players)
LeoTheLeopardNZ stays and will score 45
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ discards "second chance" and the cards they just draw.
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ must draw three cards
LeoTheLeopardNZ takes
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
06:35 AM
BeardyTAS stays and will score 31
TessotheMorning freezes and will score 15
BeardyTAS gives
to TessotheMorning
06:34 AM
BeardyTAS gets
BeardyTAS gets
BeardyTAS draws
BeardyTAS must draw three cards
TessotheMorning gives
to BeardyTAS
06:27 AM
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
05:56 AM
BeardyTAS gets
05:55 AM
TessotheMorning gets
05:54 AM
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
BeardyTAS gets
TessotheMorning gets
New round
BeardyTAS scores 29 points - Stayed
TessotheMorning scores 0 points - Busted
LeoTheLeopardNZ scores 0 points - Busted
End of the current round (no more active players)
BeardyTAS stays and will score 29
BeardyTAS gets
TessotheMorning busts and will score 0
TessotheMorning gets
TessotheMorning must draw three cards
BeardyTAS gives
to TessotheMorning
05:02 AM
TessotheMorning gets
04:23 AM
LeoTheLeopardNZ busts and will score 0
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
03:09 AM
BeardyTAS gets
TessotheMorning gets
02:57 AM
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
02:47 AM
BeardyTAS gets
TessotheMorning gets
LeoTheLeopardNZ gets
Žaidėjo LeoTheLeopardNZ, TessotheMorning, BeardyTAS figūrėlės spalva buvo parinkta pagal jo pageidavimą. Keisti mano nustatymus.
3/18/2025 02:42 AM
Ar žinojote?
Jei atrodo, kad žaidimas sustojo ar pradėjo klaidingai rodyti, perkraukite puslapį arba paspauskite F5.