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Kraunami žaidimo elementai (10%)
Partija #644948142
Ėjimas #86
Eiga 50%
Anksčiau cakemaster #644948142 ... ([Praleisti paskutinio ėjimo pakartojimą])


Rodyti žaidimo įrašus
Rodyti iššokančius pranešimus

Žaidimo nustatymai

Žaidimo režimas
Žaidimo greitis
Žaidimų valandos
Two Player Variant
Šis žaidimas buvo atnaujintas žaidimo metu: taigi, peržaidimas yra EKSPERIMENTINIS.



You are in "Try Cards Mode"! You can try to place your cake cards but you must exit "Try Cards Mode" to continue the game.
Round: 2/3
  • Customer wants exactly 1 type of icing
  • Customer wants exactly 3 blueberry(ies)
  • Customer wants exactly 5 blueberry(ies)
Final Solo Result:
Could you boil water?
A pancake, it it too much to ask for?
You made your own bread during the last pandemic
Your cupcakes look delicious!
An amateur pastry chef, your family is lucky!
Apprentice at the local bakery, that's a good start!
Famous pastry chef in your village.
Pastry chef, your creations are worth the detour!
Masterchef should invite you soon.
A legend! Worthy successor of Antoine Carême, the father of modern pastry!
A legend! Worthy successor of Antoine Carême, the father of modern pastry!
A legend! Worthy successor of Antoine Carême, the father of modern pastry!
A legend! Worthy successor of Antoine Carême, the father of modern pastry!

Show Cake History

Hide Cake History

Round: 1
15 ▶ +2
  • Customer wants exactly 1 complete rosette(s)
  • Customer wants no half-rosettes

Show Cake History

Hide Cake History

Round: 1
13 ▶ +0
0 -719935666 eur Visitor-719


Rodyti žaidimo įrašus
Rodyti iššokančius pranešimus

Žaidimo nustatymai

Žaidimo režimas
Žaidimo greitis
Žaidimų valandos
Two Player Variant

Pastaba: 3D yra eksperimentinis

Jūs esate šio žaidimo žiūrovas
Rodyti žymeklį
Rodyti žymeklį
Žiūrovai: Visitor-719935666
Prisijungti iš naujo
AnnaShivaKonda keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
Gaujo keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
03:11 PM
All players draw 3 cake cards
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 3 in Top Left corner:
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 3 in Top Right corner:
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 1 in Bottom Right corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 3 in Bottom Left corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 1 in Bottom Left corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 1 in Top Left corner:
02:21 PM
AnnaShivaKonda keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
Gaujo keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
01:04 PM
AnnaShivaKonda keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
Gaujo keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
3/18/2025 07:58 AM
All players draw 3 cake cards
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 2 in Top Left corner:
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 1 in Top Left corner:
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 1 in Bottom Left corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 3 in Top Right corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 3 in Top Left corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 2 in Bottom Right corner:
10:57 PM
AnnaShivaKonda keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
Gaujo keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
10:23 PM
AnnaShivaKonda keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
Gaujo keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
10:11 PM
All players draw 3 cake cards
Drawing new customer card:
  • Customer wants exactly 1 type of icing
  • Customer wants exactly 3 blueberry(ies)
Drawing new customer card:
  • Customer wants exactly 5 blueberry(ies)
Drawing 2 new customer card(s)
Starting round 2 of 3
Shuffling all cake cards
Discarding all customer cards
AnnaShivaKonda has no cakes that match any customers
Gaujo scores 1 point(s)
Cake 1 of Gaujo matches customer
  • Customer wants exactly 1 complete rosette(s)
  • Customer wants no half-rosettes
AnnaShivaKonda scores 0 point(s)
AnnaShivaKonda has the minimum Tasty Score of 13
Gaujo scores 2 point(s)
Gaujo has the maximum Tasty Score of 15
End of round scoring
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 2 in Bottom Left corner:
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 2 in Bottom Right corner:
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 3 in Bottom Right corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 3 in Top Left corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 1 in Bottom Right corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 1 in Top Right corner:
10:08 PM
AnnaShivaKonda keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
Gaujo keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
10:05 PM
AnnaShivaKonda keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
Gaujo keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
07:22 PM
All players draw 3 cake cards
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 3 in Top Left corner:
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 1 in Bottom Left corner:
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 3 in Top Right corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 3 in Bottom Left corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 2 in Top Left corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 3 in Top Right corner:
05:52 PM
AnnaShivaKonda keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
Gaujo keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
04:19 PM
AnnaShivaKonda keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
Gaujo keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
04:14 PM
All players draw 3 cake cards
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 2 in Top Left corner:
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 1 in Top Right corner:
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 1 in Bottom Right corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 3 in Bottom Right corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 2 in Top Right corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 2 in Bottom Right corner:
AnnaShivaKonda keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
Gaujo keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
04:01 PM
AnnaShivaKonda keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
Gaujo keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
12:44 PM
All players draw 3 cake cards
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 3 in Bottom Left corner:
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 2 in Top Right corner:
AnnaShivaKonda places a cake card on cake 1 in Top Left corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 1 in Bottom Left corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 1 in Top Left corner:
Gaujo places a cake card on cake 2 in Bottom Left corner:
11:40 AM
AnnaShivaKonda keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
Gaujo keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
3/17/2025 06:43 AM
AnnaShivaKonda keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
Gaujo keeps one cake card and passes the other cards
11:33 PM
All players draw 3 cake cards
Drawing new customer card:
  • Customer wants exactly 1 complete rosette(s)
  • Customer wants no half-rosettes
Drawing 1 new customer card(s)
Starting round 1 of 3
3/16/2025 08:32 PM
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