Bothans Pie draws 1 cards
Bothans Pie plants a card from their hand
Bothans Pie discards 4 cards from their compost
Bothans Pie plays an event: Low Tide Event
10:23 PM
Chivvy keeps 1 of the 4 drawn cards
Chivvy skips planting a card
Chivvy plants a card from their hand and fills their tableau
Chivvy chooses action: Plant (Green)
Chivvy pays 1
from their tableau
Chivvy plays an event: Lava Lake Event
10:22 PM
Chivvy becomes the active player
Bothans Pie composts 2 cards from their hand
Bothans Pie activates Mixed Forest Terrain
Chivvy activates Scrubland Terrain
Chivvy places 2
in their tableau
Chivvy activates Tropical Forest Terrain
Chivvy places 1
in their tableau
Chivvy activates Mountain Forest Terrain
Chivvy reveals their tableau: Umbrella Thorn Acacia
Bothans Pie reveals their tableau: Garlic
Bothans Pie reveals their tableau: Quesnelia
Bothans Pie keeps 2 of the 4 drawn cards
10:20 PM
Bothans Pie draws 4 cards
Bothans Pie draws 2 cards
Bothans Pie plants a card from their hand
Bothans Pie composts the card that was planted at this position in their tableau
Bothans Pie plants a card from their hand
Chivvy plants a card from their hand
Bothans Pie chooses action: Plant (Green)
Bothans Pie becomes the active player
Bothans Pie places 1
in their tableau
Bothans Pie can place up to 1
from their player board
10:18 PM
Bothans Pie places 1
in their tableau
Bothans Pie draws 1 cards
Bothans Pie pays 1
from their tableau
Bothans Pie activates Chinese Peony
Bothans Pie draws 1 cards
Bothans Pie activates Elegant zinnia
Bothans Pie activates Tea Plant
Bothans Pie composts 1 cards from their hand
Bothans Pie activates African Mustard
Bothans Pie composts 1 cards from their hand
Bothans Pie activates Penny Bun
Chivvy activates Plum Tree
Chivvy composts 2 cards from their hand
Chivvy activates Clamshell Orchid
Chivvy discards 1 cards from their compost
Chivvy activates Bald Cypress
Chivvy gives 1
to all other player(s)
Chivvy activates Meadowsweet
Chivvy discards 1 cards from their compost
Chivvy activates Dwarf Willow
Chivvy composts 1 cards from their hand
Chivvy activates Black Raspberries
3/16/2025 10:16 PM
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