Hobbsa plants a card from their hand
Asya_splux keeps 1 of the 4 drawn cards
Asya_splux plants a card from their hand
Asya_splux plants a card from their hand
Asya_splux chooses action: Plant (Green)
12:48 AM
Asya_splux becomes the active player
El_Gnomo skips activating Wild Syringa
El_Gnomo skips activating Lobster Mushroom
Asya_splux places 2
in their tableau
Asya_splux activates Japanese Boxwood
Hobbsa composts 2 card(s) from the deck
Hobbsa chooses action: Compost (Red)
11:37 PM
Hobbsa becomes the active player
Asya_splux places 2
in their tableau
Asya_splux activates Kunashir Island
El_Gnomo places 2
in their tableau
El_Gnomo activates Lombok Island
Asya_splux reveals their tableau: Japanese Boxwood
El_Gnomo reveals their tableau: Wild Syringa
El_Gnomo reveals their tableau: Lobster Mushroom
Hobbsa skips planting a card
11:25 PM
Asya_splux plants a card from their hand
El_Gnomo keeps 1 of the 4 drawn cards
El_Gnomo plants a card from their hand
El_Gnomo plants a card from their hand
El_Gnomo chooses action: Plant (Green)
11:22 PM
El_Gnomo becomes the active player
Hobbsa skips activating Mediterranean Cold Summer Climate
Asya_splux places 0
in their tableau
El_Gnomo draws 2 cards
11:21 PM
Hobbsa draws 2 cards
10:21 PM
Asya_splux chooses action: Grow (Yellow)
10:17 PM
Asya_splux becomes the active player
Hobbsa composts 4 cards from their hand
El_Gnomo composts 1 cards from their hand
Asya_splux composts 2 cards from their hand
04:41 PM
El_Gnomo chooses a starting card: Yellowstone Caldera Ecosystem
El_Gnomo chooses a starting card: Semi-Arid Climate
El_Gnomo chooses a starting card: Lombok Island
El_Gnomo chooses their starting cards
04:40 PM
Hobbsa chooses a starting card: Denali National Park Ecosystem
Hobbsa chooses a starting card: Mediterranean Cold Summer Climate
Hobbsa chooses a starting card: Luzon Island
Hobbsa chooses their starting cards
07:10 AM
Asya_splux chooses a starting card: Tongass National Forest Ecosystem
Asya_splux chooses a starting card: Hot Summer Continental Climate
Asya_splux chooses a starting card: Kunashir Island
Asya_splux chooses their starting cards
05:46 AM
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