oohori reveals their tableau: Red Bolete
Rob6566 reveals their tableau: Purple Passionflower
Rob6566 reveals their tableau: Mountain Forest Terrain
flyingmuskrat draws 1 cards
flyingmuskrat skips planting a card
3/17/2025 12:18 AM
oohori plants a card from their hand
Rob6566 keeps 1 of the 4 drawn cards
07:56 PM
Rob6566 plants a card from their hand
Rob6566 plants a card from their hand
Rob6566 chooses action: Plant (Green)
Rob6566 becomes the active player
oohori activates Whakaari Island
flyingmuskrat places 2
in their tableau
flyingmuskrat activates Alluvial Sediments Terrain
05:02 PM
oohori reveals their tableau: Southern Magnolia
Rob6566 reveals their tableau: Turkey Tail
flyingmuskrat reveals their tableau: Potato Plant
flyingmuskrat reveals their tableau: Alluvial Sediments Terrain
Rob6566 plants a card from their hand
oohori plants a card from their hand
flyingmuskrat keeps 1 of the 4 drawn cards
flyingmuskrat draws 4 cards
flyingmuskrat plants a card from their hand
flyingmuskrat plants a card from their hand
flyingmuskrat chooses action: Plant (Green)
06:39 AM
flyingmuskrat becomes the active player
oohori chooses a starting card: Jiuzhaigou Valley Ecosystem
oohori chooses a starting card: Hemiboreal Climate
oohori chooses a starting card: Whakaari Island
Rob6566 chooses a starting card: Great Steppe Ecosystem
Rob6566 chooses a starting card: Ice Cap Climate
Rob6566 chooses a starting card: Mo'orea Island
flyingmuskrat chooses a starting card: Rocky Mountains Ecosystem
flyingmuskrat chooses a starting card: Semi-Arid Climate
flyingmuskrat chooses a starting card: Vulcano Island
oohori composts 4 cards from their hand
Rob6566 composts 5 cards from their hand
flyingmuskrat composts 3 cards from their hand
06:28 AM
Starting cards for oohori will be hidden until the end of the setup
oohori chooses their starting cards
06:26 AM
Starting cards for Rob6566 will be hidden until the end of the setup
Rob6566 chooses their starting cards
05:39 AM
flyingmuskrat draws 6 cards
Starting cards for flyingmuskrat will be hidden until the end of the setup
flyingmuskrat chooses their starting cards
05:28 AM
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