Grįžti į pagrindinį puslapį
Kraunami žaidimo elementai (10%)
Partija #643723646
Ėjimas #61
Eiga 100%


Rodyti žaidimo įrašus
Rodyti iššokančius pranešimus

Žaidimo nustatymai

Žaidimo režimas
Žaidimo greitis
Element cards
Panda Mood
Šis žaidimas buvo atnaujintas žaidimo metu: taigi, peržaidimas yra EKSPERIMENTINIS.
Įkeliama žaidimo žurnalo istorija (41%)
banner empty

Panda Mood

Decks in game




1. hasch2coeur

0 / 15

hasch2coeur has passed

2. sondern

15 / 15

sondern has no more card



Single value

3 or Q


2 or more identical values

5-5 or 7-7-7


2 to 5 consecutive values

3-4 or J-Q-K


Set of Runs

10-10-J-J-Q-Q or 6-6-6-7-7-7


At least 4 identical values, whereby no Water symbol may be used

8-8-8-8-8 or 3-3-3-3



0 -567933253 eur Visitor-567


Rodyti žaidimo įrašus
Rodyti iššokančius pranešimus

Žaidimo nustatymai

Žaidimo režimas
Žaidimo greitis
Element cards
Panda Mood

Pastaba: 3D yra eksperimentinis

Jūs esate šio žaidimo žiūrovas
Rodyti žymeklį
Rodyti žymeklį
Žiūrovai: Visitor-567933253
Prisijungti iš naujo
----- sondern starts a new trick -----
sondern wins the trick and discards 4 card(s)
hasch2coeur passes and grabs 2 card(s) back to their hand, Blue sides up
sondern plays a Bomb (6,6,6,6)
04:40 PM
hasch2coeur plays a Single (A)
04:37 PM
sondern plays a Single (Q)
3/15/2025 04:34 PM
hasch2coeur plays a Single (9)
11:12 PM
sondern plays a Single (5)
06:08 PM
----- sondern starts a new trick -----
sondern wins the trick and discards 4 card(s)
hasch2coeur passes and grabs 4 card(s) back to their hand, Blue sides up
04:40 PM
sondern takes 1 point from hasch2coeur with Hungry Panda.
sondern plays a Run (9,10,J,Q)
04:17 PM
hasch2coeur plays a Run (7,8,9,10)
----- hasch2coeur starts a new trick -----
hasch2coeur wins the trick and discards 4 card(s)
sondern passes and grabs 2 card(s) back to their hand, Blue sides up
03:51 PM
hasch2coeur plays a Run (6,7)
sondern plays a Run (4,5)
03:50 PM
hasch2coeur plays a Run (3,4)
03:48 PM
----- hasch2coeur starts a new trick -----
A new round starts
End of the round
hasch2coeur has 1 card(s) left in hand
sondern has no more cards and scores 1 point(s)
sondern wins the trick and discards 2 card(s)
hasch2coeur passes
sondern plays a Set (2,2)
03:21 PM
----- sondern starts a new trick -----
sondern wins the trick and discards 2 card(s)
hasch2coeur passes
03:17 PM
sondern plays a Set (A,A)
----- sondern starts a new trick -----
sondern wins the trick and discards 1 card(s)
hasch2coeur passes and grabs 1 card(s) back to their hand, Blue sides up
sondern discards a card with Fire effect
sondern plays a Single (2)
03:10 PM
hasch2coeur plays a Single (5)
03:05 PM
----- hasch2coeur starts a new trick -----
hasch2coeur wins the trick and discards 1 card(s)
sondern passes
hasch2coeur discards a card with Fire effect
03:00 PM
hasch2coeur plays a Single (2)
02:59 PM
----- hasch2coeur starts a new trick -----
hasch2coeur wins the trick and discards 1 card(s)
sondern passes
02:58 PM
hasch2coeur plays a Single (2)
02:56 PM
----- hasch2coeur starts a new trick -----
hasch2coeur wins the trick and discards 3 card(s)
sondern passes
02:21 PM
hasch2coeur plays a Formation (7,7,8,8)
02:17 PM
----- hasch2coeur starts a new trick -----
hasch2coeur wins the trick and discards 2 card(s)
sondern passes
02:06 PM
hasch2coeur plays a Formation (J,J,Q,Q)
01:40 PM
----- hasch2coeur starts a new trick -----
hasch2coeur wins the trick and discards 2 card(s)
sondern passes and grabs 2 card(s) back to their hand, Blue sides up
01:20 PM
hasch2coeur plays a Bomb (8,8,8,8)
01:18 PM
sondern plays a Run (9,10)
----- sondern starts a new trick -----
sondern wins the trick and discards 3 card(s)
hasch2coeur passes and grabs 2 card(s) back to their hand, Blue sides up
01:17 PM
sondern plays a Bomb (Q,Q,Q,Q)
01:16 PM
Nobody played before you so Hungry Panda has no effect.
hasch2coeur plays a Run (10,J)
01:15 PM
----- hasch2coeur starts a new trick -----
hasch2coeur wins the trick and discards 1 card(s)
sondern passes and grabs 1 card(s) back to their hand, Blue sides up
01:14 PM
hasch2coeur plays a Single (4)
01:10 PM
sondern plays a Single (3)
01:07 PM
----- sondern starts a new trick -----
sondern wins the trick and discards 3 card(s)
hasch2coeur passes and grabs 3 card(s) back to their hand, Blue sides up
sondern plays a Run (6,7,8)
01:06 PM
hasch2coeur plays a Run (3,4,5)
01:05 PM
----- hasch2coeur starts a new trick -----
A new round starts
End of the round
hasch2coeur has 1 card(s) left in hand
sondern has no more cards and scores 1 point(s)
sondern wins the trick and discards 1 card(s)
hasch2coeur passes
sondern plays a Single (2)
----- sondern starts a new trick -----
sondern wins the trick and discards 2 card(s)
hasch2coeur passes
12:53 PM
sondern plays a Set (9,9)
----- sondern starts a new trick -----
sondern wins the trick and discards 2 card(s)
hasch2coeur passes
sondern plays a Run (6,7)
----- sondern starts a new trick -----
sondern wins the trick and discards 6 card(s)
hasch2coeur passes
12:52 PM
sondern plays a Formation (3,3,4,4,5,5)
----- sondern starts a new trick -----
sondern wins the trick and discards 1 card(s)
hasch2coeur passes and grabs 1 card(s) back to their hand, Blue sides up
sondern plays a Single (Q)
12:51 PM
Nobody played before you so Hungry Panda has no effect.
hasch2coeur plays a Single (J)
----- hasch2coeur starts a new trick -----
hasch2coeur wins the trick and discards 1 card(s)
sondern passes
12:49 PM
hasch2coeur plays a Single (3)
----- hasch2coeur starts a new trick -----
hasch2coeur wins the trick and discards 3 card(s)
sondern passes
12:47 PM
hasch2coeur plays a Set (10,10,10)
12:46 PM
----- hasch2coeur starts a new trick -----
hasch2coeur wins the trick and discards 4 card(s)
sondern passes
12:45 PM
hasch2coeur plays a Formation (K,K,A,A)
12:44 PM
----- hasch2coeur starts a new trick -----
hasch2coeur wins the trick and discards 3 card(s)
sondern passes
hasch2coeur plays a Run (5,6,7)
12:43 PM
----- hasch2coeur starts a new trick -----
A new round starts
3/14/2025 12:42 PM
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