Grįžti į pagrindinį puslapį
Kraunami žaidimo elementai (10%)
Partija #645205945
Ėjimas #62
Eiga 33%


Rodyti žaidimo įrašus
Rodyti iššokančius pranešimus

Žaidimo nustatymai

Žaidimo režimas
Žaidimo greitis
Šis žaidimas buvo atnaujintas žaidimo metu: taigi, peržaidimas yra EKSPERIMENTINIS.



0 -976587685 eur Visitor-976


Rodyti žaidimo įrašus
Rodyti iššokančius pranešimus

Žaidimo nustatymai

Žaidimo režimas
Žaidimo greitis

Pastaba: 3D yra eksperimentinis

Jūs esate šio žaidimo žiūrovas
Rodyti žymeklį
Nikki MD
Rodyti žymeklį
Žiūrovai: Visitor-976587685
Prisijungti iš naujo
Nikki MD places a worker on Trading post for 1 denier(s)
A new turn begins. Each player gets his revenue.
Nikki MD gets 4 deniers with a favor
Nikki MD chooses a favor from line: deniers
Nikki MD built 2 houses on Požemis section and gains 1 favor(s)
ACCOUNT N 111 did not build any house on Dungeon section and looses 2 victory points
The bailiff reaches a scoring space (Požemis): scoring!
End of the turn ! The bailiff moves one space forward.
Lentpjūvė: Nikki MD gauna 1 mediena
Ferma: Nikki MD gauna 1 cloth
01:43 PM
Nikki MD chooses not to move the Provost
01:42 PM
ACCOUNT N 111 chooses not to move the Provost
11:26 AM
All players have passed. Building activation starts.
Nikki MD praleidžia
06:50 AM
Nikki MD places a worker on Lentpjūvė for 3 denier(s)
Nikki MD places a worker on Ferma for 3 denier(s)
06:49 AM
ACCOUNT N 111 is the first player to pass and gets 1 denier
06:47 AM
A new turn begins. Each player gets his revenue.
End of the turn ! The bailiff moves one space forward.
Nikki MD gets 3 deniers with a favor
Nikki MD chooses a favor from line: deniers
Nikki MD built the most houses and gains 1 favor
Nikki MD builds a part of the castle (Požemis) for 1 food, 1 mediena and 1 cloth and gets 5 points
Ferma: Nikki MD gauna 1 cloth
Nikki MD chooses not to move the Provost
06:45 AM
ACCOUNT N 111 chooses not to move the Provost
06:43 AM
Trading post: Nikki MD gauna 3 denier
All players have passed. Building activation starts.
Nikki MD praleidžia
Nikki MD places a worker on Trading post for 3 denier(s)
Nikki MD places a worker on Castle for 3 denier(s)
06:42 AM
ACCOUNT N 111 is the first player to pass and gets 1 denier
06:41 AM
Nikki MD places a worker on Ferma for 1 denier(s)
06:39 AM
A new turn begins. Each player gets his revenue.
End of the turn ! The bailiff moves one space forward.
Quarry: ACCOUNT N 111 gauna 1 akmuo
Miškas: ACCOUNT N 111 gauna 1 mediena
Lentpjūvė: Nikki MD gauna 1 mediena
Ferma: Nikki MD gauna 1 cloth
06:36 AM
Nikki MD chooses not to move the Provost
06:35 AM
ACCOUNT N 111 moves the provost 3 space(s) for 3 denier(s)
06:04 AM
ACCOUNT N 111 gets 1 victory point with a favor
ACCOUNT N 111 chooses a favor from line: pergalės taškai
Jousting Field: ACCOUNT N 111 buys a favor for one denier and one cloth
3/18/2025 06:03 AM
Trading post: Nikki MD gauna 3 denier
All players have passed. Building activation starts.
Nikki MD praleidžia
09:08 PM
ACCOUNT N 111 is the first player to pass and gets 1 denier
08:58 PM
Nikki MD places a worker on Trading post for 1 denier(s)
08:49 PM
ACCOUNT N 111 places a worker on Miškas for 1 denier(s)
08:16 PM
Nikki MD places a worker on Lentpjūvė for 1 denier(s)
08:04 PM
ACCOUNT N 111 places a worker on Jousting Field for 1 denier(s)
07:39 PM
Nikki MD places a worker on Ferma for 1 denier(s)
05:18 PM
ACCOUNT N 111 places a worker on Quarry for 1 denier(s)
03:49 PM
A new turn begins. Each player gets his revenue.
End of the turn ! The bailiff moves two spaces forward.
Nikki MD gets 2 victory point with a favor
Nikki MD chooses a favor from line: pergalės taškai
Nikki MD built the most houses and gains 1 favor
Nikki MD builds a part of the castle (Požemis) for 1 food, 1 mediena and 1 akmuo and gets 5 points
03:47 PM
Quarry: Nikki MD gauna 1 akmuo
Miškas: ACCOUNT N 111 gauna 1 maistas
Lentpjūvė: ACCOUNT N 111 gauna 1 mediena
Ferma: ACCOUNT N 111 gauna 1 cloth
03:44 PM
Nikki MD chooses not to move the Provost
03:40 PM
ACCOUNT N 111 moves the provost 3 space(s) for 3 denier(s)
03:37 PM
Nikki MD gets 1 victory point with a favor
Nikki MD chooses a favor from line: pergalės taškai
03:06 PM
Jousting Field: Nikki MD buys a favor for one denier and one cloth
Trading post: Nikki MD gauna 3 denier
All players have passed. Building activation starts.
Nikki MD praleidžia
03:05 PM
ACCOUNT N 111 is the first player to pass and gets 1 denier
01:29 PM
Nikki MD places a worker on Jousting Field for 1 denier(s)
01:27 PM
ACCOUNT N 111 places a worker on Lentpjūvė for 1 denier(s)
01:13 PM
Nikki MD places a worker on Quarry for 1 denier(s)
12:29 PM
ACCOUNT N 111 places a worker on Miškas for 1 denier(s)
12:26 PM
Nikki MD places a worker on Castle for 1 denier(s)
11:49 AM
ACCOUNT N 111 places a worker on Ferma for 1 denier(s)
11:46 AM
Nikki MD places a worker on Trading post for 1 denier(s)
A new turn begins. Each player gets his revenue.
End of the turn ! The bailiff moves one space forward.
Miškas: Nikki MD gauna 1 maistas
11:40 AM
Ferma: Nikki MD gauna 1 cloth
Nikki MD chooses not to move the Provost
11:39 AM
ACCOUNT N 111 chooses not to move the Provost
Trading post: ACCOUNT N 111 gauna 3 denier
All players have passed. Building activation starts.
Nikki MD praleidžia
11:10 AM
Nikki MD places a worker on Miškas for 3 denier(s)
11:09 AM
ACCOUNT N 111 is the first player to pass and gets 1 denier
11:05 AM
Nikki MD places a worker on Ferma for 1 denier(s)
11:00 AM
ACCOUNT N 111 places a worker on Trading post for 1 denier(s)
10:46 AM
A new turn begins. Each player gets his revenue.
Tokia pati žaidėjų komanda aptikta: pradinis žaidėjas buvo pakeistas.
Nikki MD spalva buvo pasirinkta pagal jų pageidavimus. Keisti mano nustatymus.
3/17/2025 10:45 AM
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