Grįžti į pagrindinį puslapį
Kraunami žaidimo elementai (10%)
Partija #644504021
Ėjimas #86
Eiga 65%


Rodyti žaidimo įrašus
Rodyti iššokančius pranešimus
Board positioning

Žaidimo nustatymai

Žaidimo režimas
Žaidimo greitis
Additional powers
Two players variant
Betting variants
Automate off-turn moves
Šis žaidimas buvo atnaujintas žaidimo metu: taigi, peržaidimas yra EKSPERIMENTINIS.

My hand




0 -234851470 eur Visitor-234


Rodyti žaidimo įrašus
Rodyti iššokančius pranešimus
Board positioning

Žaidimo nustatymai

Žaidimo režimas
Žaidimo greitis
Additional powers
Two players variant
Betting variants
Automate off-turn moves

Pastaba: 3D yra eksperimentinis

Jūs esate šio žaidimo žiūrovas
2 dienas
Rodyti žymeklį


2 dienas
Rodyti žymeklį


2 dienas
Rodyti žymeklį


Žiūrovai: Visitor-234851470
Prisijungti iš naujo
moves 5 spaces out of 5
09:08 PM
cragrat plays a card
09:07 PM
moves 1 space out of 2
has free movement because Grecojr has power Ambitious !
Free moves: 1
moves 8 spaces out of 8
Grecojr plays a card
08:54 PM
moves 2 spaces out of 2
01:58 PM
has free movement because cragrat has power Determined !
moves 2 spaces out of 2 (auto move)
moves 6 spaces out of 6
Biscuit Gecko plays a card
12:35 PM
moves 2 spaces out of 2
is blocked ... how sad!
has free movement because cragrat has power Determined !
moves 2 spaces out of 4 (auto move)
moves 6 spaces out of 6
cragrat plays a card
08:37 AM
is blocked ... how sad!
moves 4 spaces out of 4
finishes the race at position 1
Grecojr plays a card
3/23/2025 01:04 AM
All players must bet on the winner
A car crossed the third betting line
moves 2 spaces out of 2
11:32 PM
has free movement because cragrat has power Determined !
moves 2 spaces out of 2 (auto move)
moves 2 spaces out of 2
3/22/2025 09:38 PM
has free movement because Grecojr has power Ambitious !
Free moves: 1
moves 5 spaces out of 5
Biscuit Gecko plays a card
11:25 PM
moves 1 space out of 1
moves 2 spaces out of 2
moves 4 spaces out of 4
moves 6 spaces out of 6
cragrat plays a card
08:35 PM
All players must bet on the winner
A car crossed the second betting line
moves 2 spaces out of 2
10:26 AM
has free movement because cragrat has power Determined !
moves 1 space out of 1
moves 2 spaces out of 2
07:43 AM
moves 4 spaces out of 4
moves 2 spaces out of 2
has free movement because Grecojr has power Ambitious !
Free moves: 1
moves 6 spaces out of 6
Grecojr plays a card
07:42 AM
moves 8 spaces out of 8 (auto move)
Biscuit Gecko plays a card
3/21/2025 12:08 AM
moves 8 spaces out of 8
cragrat plays a card
10:50 PM
All players must bet on the winner
A car crossed the first betting line
moves 2 spaces out of 2
has free movement because Grecojr has power Ambitious !
Free moves: 1
moves 8 spaces out of 8
07:15 PM
Grecojr plays a card
07:14 PM
moves 5 spaces out of 5
Biscuit Gecko plays a card
3/19/2025 11:39 AM
moves 1 space out of 1 (auto move)
moves 2 spaces out of 2 (auto move)
moves 3 spaces out of 3
11:31 PM
moves 4 spaces out of 4
moves 5 spaces out of 5
moves 6 spaces out of 6
cragrat plays a card
moves 2 spaces out of 2
has free movement because cragrat has power Determined !
moves 1 space out of 1
11:30 PM
moves 2 spaces out of 2
11:28 PM
has free movement because cragrat has power Determined !
moves 2 spaces out of 2
moves 3 spaces out of 3
08:55 PM
moves 2 spaces out of 2
08:47 PM
has free movement because cragrat has power Determined !
moves 4 spaces out of 4
moves 5 spaces out of 5 (auto move)
moves 6 spaces out of 6
Grecojr plays a card
All cars bought, starting the race !
08:45 PM
Grecojr wins the auction with bid $1M
08:32 PM
Auction starts for and power Unpredictable
cragrat wins the auction with bid $4M
07:52 PM
Auction starts for and power Experienced
Biscuit Gecko wins the auction with bid $2M
12:40 PM
Auction starts for and power Tricky
cragrat wins the auction with bid $1M
3/18/2025 03:15 AM
Auction starts for and power Bold
Grecojr wins the auction with bid $2M
11:39 PM
Auction starts for and power Ambitious
cragrat wins the auction with bid $4M
3/17/2025 09:32 PM
Auction starts for and power Determined
cragrat spalva buvo pasirinkta pagal jų pageidavimus. Keisti mano nustatymus.
3/15/2025 11:19 PM
Ar žinojote?
BGA griežtai draudžiami įžeidimai ir agresyvus elgesys. Praneškite mums apie bet kokius incidentus: imsimės moderavimo veiksmų prieš visus probleminius žaidėjus.