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Stalo nustatymai

Žaidimo režimas
Normalus režimas
Žaidimo greitis
Ėjimais paremtas • Laikas ribojamas
Kiekvienam žaidėjui skirtas laikas
7 dienas
Žaidimų valandos
24 valandas per parą (ne žaidžiant)
2nd edition (2021)
Game setup
Standard game
Setup the game with random neutral building positions and random player building sides
Bid for turn order
If set to On, after the setup, players may bid VP to choose their turn order for the game
Variant: Simmental
The orange Simmental cattle cards are part of a new variant to play Great Western Trail. This cattle card comes with 3 stages: the Simmental Calf, the Simmental Heifer and the Simmental Cow. Only stage 1 is available on the cattle market.

Each time you reach Kansas City you may upgrade your orange Simmental cattle cards to the next stage in order to get a more valuable version.
Live scoring
Display players VPs only at the end on the score pad

2 min

vidutinis laukimo laikas

Žaidimo baigtis

CTCTCTCTCT (Klaidų reporteris) [creator]
94 (0)
+13   ->  

TheMeepleMaven (Klaidų reporteris) [creator]
33 (0)
-13   ->  


Tapk VIP nariu, kad pamatytum žaidimo statistiką!

Žaidimo trukmė
Vidutinis žaidėjų lygis
Vidutinis rezultatas
Building 1 side
Building 2 side
Building 3 side
Building 4 side
Building 5 side
Building 6 side
Building 7 side
Building 8 side
Building 9 side
Building 10 side
Building 11 side
Building 12 side
Žaidimo baigtis 1-as (94)2-as (33)
Galvojimo laikas masked minmasked min
Number of turns maskedmasked
Turn order maskedmasked
VP bid for turn order maskedmasked
VP per 5 Dollars maskedmasked
VP from buildings maskedmasked
VP from discs on cities maskedmasked
VP from discs on stations maskedmasked
VP from hazards maskedmasked
VP from cattles maskedmasked
VP from objectives maskedmasked
VP from station masters maskedmasked
VP for 5th and 6th workers maskedmasked
VP from increase movement disc maskedmasked
VP from job market token maskedmasked
Total Dollars earned maskedmasked
Dollars earned from fees maskedmasked
Dollars earned from delivery maskedmasked
Dollars earned from discarding cards maskedmasked
Dollars earned from objectives maskedmasked
Dollars earned from outlaws/teepees maskedmasked
Dollars earned from Kansas City maskedmasked
Dollars earned from auxiliary actions maskedmasked
Dollars earned from last rail maskedmasked
Dollars earned from other building actions maskedmasked
Total Dollars spent maskedmasked
Dollars spent in neutral fees maskedmasked
Dollars spent in player fees maskedmasked
Dollars spent in delivery taxes maskedmasked
Dollars spent for hiring maskedmasked
Dollars spent for building (craft) maskedmasked
Dollars spent in cattle market maskedmasked
Dollars spent upgrading stations maskedmasked
Dollars spent in auxiliary actions maskedmasked
Dollars NOT spent because broke maskedmasked
Number of cattles bought maskedmasked
Number of Simmental cards bought maskedmasked
Number of Simmental cards upgraded maskedmasked
Temporary certificates limit maskedmasked
Temporary certificates earned maskedmasked
Temporary certificates spent maskedmasked
Temporary certificates move lost (above limit) maskedmasked
Permanent certificates maskedmasked
Number of building built maskedmasked
Number of building upgraded maskedmasked
Number of building actions activated maskedmasked
Number of neutral building activated maskedmasked
Number of self building action activated maskedmasked
Number of single aux action instead of local action maskedmasked
Number of risky action activated maskedmasked
Number of hiring bonus action triggered maskedmasked
Number of deliveries maskedmasked
Best delivery income maskedmasked
Final hand size maskedmasked
Total cards maskedmasked
Cards drawn maskedmasked
Cards removed from play maskedmasked
Final move stat maskedmasked
Total step maskedmasked
Number of objectives cards maskedmasked
Number of objectives succeeded maskedmasked
Number of objectives failed maskedmasked
Number of hazards maskedmasked
Number of outlaws / teepees maskedmasked
Number of stations upgraded maskedmasked
Number of stations masters maskedmasked
Number of action involving train maskedmasked
Number of train move forward maskedmasked
Number of train move backward maskedmasked
Number of last rail hits maskedmasked
Number of branchlets placed maskedmasked
Number of exchange tokens gained maskedmasked
Number of exchange tokens used maskedmasked
Number of exchange tokens remaining maskedmasked
Number of medium towns activated maskedmasked
CTCTCTCTCT statistika šiame žaidime
TheMeepleMaven statistika šiame žaidime

Stalo nustatymai

Žaidimo režimas
Normalus režimas
Žaidimo greitis
Ėjimais paremtas • Laikas ribojamas
+ 0:00 per ėjimą (maks. 0:00 )
Kiekvienam žaidėjui skirtas laikas
7 dienas
Žaidimų valandos
24 valandas per parą (ne žaidžiant)
2nd edition (2021)
Game setup
Standard game
Setup the game with random neutral building positions and random player building sides
Bid for turn order
If set to On, after the setup, players may bid VP to choose their turn order for the game
Variant: Simmental
The orange Simmental cattle cards are part of a new variant to play Great Western Trail. This cattle card comes with 3 stages: the Simmental Calf, the Simmental Heifer and the Simmental Cow. Only stage 1 is available on the cattle market.

Each time you reach Kansas City you may upgrade your orange Simmental cattle cards to the next stage in order to get a more valuable version.
Live scoring
Display players VPs only at the end on the score pad

Žaidėjai stebintys šį stalą

žaidimo informacija


Leidėjas :


Sukūrė: :


leidimas :


AčIū : Tu vienas ištikimiausių žaidėjų!
Naudokis visais Board Game Arena privalumais tik už $5 / mėnuo.