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10 735 000 priešų kuriems galite mesti iššūkį 930 žaidimuose.
Namokama. Dabar.
Žaisti iš naršyklės - bet kuriuo įrenginiu.
PC / Mac, iOS ir Android tabletės, išmanieji telefonai, Wii U, Playstation, Xbox One, ...
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7 320 000 pražaistų žaidimų kas mėnesį
Prieinamas 42 kalbomis daugiau nei 200 šalių.
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Realiu laiku arba ėjimais.
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Mokykitės naujų žaidimų ar pagerinkite savo įgūdžius savo mėgstamiausiuose žaidimuose, visi savo tempu.
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Prisijunkite prie reitinguotų žaidimų ir patenkinkite naujus iššūkius! Geriausi žaidėjai kyla per gretas!
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Geriausi vakardienos ir šiandienos žaidimai, pritaikyti žaidimui tinkle.
Ark Nova, Marso Teraformavimas, Wingspan, Katano salos naujakuriai, Azul, Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne (Karkasonas), harmonies, Forest Shuffle, Splendor, The Castles of Burgundy, Agricola, 7 Wonders Duel, spacebase, itsawonderfulworld, Cartographers, Can't Stop, Hanabi, arnak, 6 ima!, heat, 7 Stebuklai, castlecombo, Sea Salt & Paper, Ticket to Ride: Europe, ageofinnovation, azulsummerpavilion, darwinsjourney, challengers, distilled
Žiūrėti viską
Yahtzee, Lucky Numbers, King of Tokyo, Kingdomino, Patchwork, supermegaluckybox, Gizmos, Splendor Duel, greatwesterntrail, Stone Age, scythe, gaiaproject, orleans, sevenwondersarchitects, Welcome To, Hearts, Race for the Galaxy, Terra Mystica, handandfoot, Prarastas miestas, Rummy, memoir, Potion Explosion, mountaingoats, draftandwriterecords, faraway, BANG!, Tapestry, cubirds, Kingdom Builder, Marakaibas, Res Arcana, takenokolor, Nardai, frenchtarot, skyteam, Pandemija, Viticulture, barrage, Seasons, captainflip, earth, Flowers, A Feast for Odin, Railroad Ink, Puerto Rico, alhambra, Gyvas Miškas, Papayoo, Takenoko, valeofeternity, chakra, Planet Unknown, solstis, wizard, dvonn, Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization, Jaipur, obsession, Innovation, The Crew: Mission Deep Sea, Solo, Meilės Laiškas, Bunny Kingdom, riverofgold, Mojo, tichu, cribbage, beyondthesun, century, daybreak, The Isle of Cats, glassroad, toc, Break the Code, pathofcivilization, thecrew, nextstation, belote, Sushi Go!, Akropolis, Dice Forge, rollforthegalaxy, Pixies, altered, burglebros, coalbaron, Nova Luna, Just One, Saboteur, praga, newyorkzoo, Bubblee Pop, catinthebox, piratenkapern, martiandice, bandido, spades, turingmachine, Tzolk'in, Nidavellir, Yokohama, sagani, spellbook, Clans of Caledonia, Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers, bloodrage, Caverna, Saint Petersburg, anachrony, For Sale, marcopolotwo, regicide, lama, treos, newton, spots, downforce, minirogue, nextstationparis, Oh Hell!, bonsai, thefoxintheforest, coinche, framework, golf, odin, Knarr, Tokaido, barenpark, Can't Stop Express, metro, dinogenics, railwaysoftheworld, paxrenaissance, botanicus, nextstationtokyo, rivervalleyglassworks, Loco Momo, Sushi Go Party!, looot, carnegie, lagranja, gnomehollow, elgrande, mycityrb, Targi, Thurn and Taxis, texasholdem, Tigris & Euphrates, warchest, shogun, Russian Railroads, dicehospital, ultimaterailroads, evergreen, citadels, shiftingstones, chromino, applejack, Šachmatai, explodingkittens, hadrianswall, myshelfie, cosmoctopus, marcopolo, ancientknowledge, Decrypto, euchre, federation, highseason, Koi-Koi, evolution, Santorini, Gin Rummy, After Us, Tranquility, crusadersthywillbedone, Teotihuakanas: Dievų Miestas, spiteandmalice, Incan Gold, harvest, codexnaturalis, architectsofthewestkingdom, Marrakech, rallymangt, Vilkai, jumpdrive, draculahelsing, stella, finca, botanik, abyss, Letter Tycoon, draftosaurus, amalfi, Hive, hadara, dobro, hiddenleaders, boop, Roll'n Bump, Hens, abandonallartichokes, Coup, stupormundi, laserreflection, Caylus, trellis, Canvas, My City, bacon, rainforest, fluxx, grumblestone, fornorthwood, trailblazers, foreverhome, Terra Nova, trektwelve, flamingpyramids, No Thanks!, goldblivion, neom, slide, similo, werewolves, mythicbattlesragnarok, dominoes, nowboarding, luxor, newfrontiers, liverpoolrummy, doglover, hardback, Quantum, president, lostseas, rauha, Troyes, perfectwords, ginkgopolis, mlem, sobektwoplayers, Tikal, Coloretto, Just Desserts, middleages, Pax Pamir: Second Edition, Scopa, superfantasybrawl, automobiles, setup, hanamikoji, dungeonroll, chemicaloverload, mandala, Color Pop, thefoxintheforestduet, The Builders: Middle Ages, Spurgos, rolltothetopjourneys, lure, None Shall Pass!, deus, quibbles, kingsinthecorner, copenhagen, photosynthesis, Sujunk 4, Forbidden Island, villagers, Laivų mūšis, Skull, escapefromthehiddencastle, gosux, battlespiritssaga, Via Magica, Perudo, Cacao, eternitium, painttheroses, Machiavelli, 13 užuomenų, pocketcats, Eruption, glow, Conspiracy, canasta, Tash-Kalar, farkle, fromage, Go Nuts for Donuts, Trekking the World, Elfenland, happycity, lineit, Concept, Ice Cold Ice Hockey, naishi, dogpark, hungariantarokk, eminentdomain, gangsta, piepmatz, Battle Sheep, cityofthebigshoulders, fourgardens, rage, okanagan, undergrove, Sherlock 13, capybarancapybara, Dublis, bagofchips, arcticscavengers, grovesolitaire, Romi Rami, vault, dicehospitaler, schroedingerscats, arctic, clashofdecks, Red7, Dungeon Twister (Požemių sukėjas), Quoridor, Sapiens, K2, Riftforce, trio, roomtwentyfive, orchard, haiclue, skat, spaceempires, chocolatefactory, mastersofrenaissance, Colt Express, vektorace, tranquilitytheascent, Caper: Europe, openseason, P.I., Reversi, thattimeyoukilledme, theyellowhouse, starfluxx, fruitpicking, theshipwreckarcana, megajackpot, wizardsgrimoire, Go, littlefactory, Onitama, divideetimpera, nanatoridori, Abalone, Rallyman: DIRT, In The Year of the Dragon, blueskies, inori, wonderfulkingdom, getonboard, gangofdice, dicethemepark, Dragonheart, dungeonpetz, Mr. Jack, cardiceo, caboodle, troyesdice, Nippon, iwari, sixtyone, chinesecheckers, Šaškės, Keyflower, greatsplit, expressions, whisttwentytwo, Jekyll vs. Hyde, butterfly, dragonwood, Kalah, expeditions, chicagoexpress, Battle of LITS, solarstorm, Welcome To New Las Vegas, Quarto, ontour, celestia, dicedtomatoes, That's Life!, Oriflamme, nimalia, Tobago, sail, isleoftrainsallaboard, forage, golfie, ninetynineaddition, openfacechinesepoker, ninetynine, seikatsu, pugsinmugs, steamworks, pingimus, catcafe, smallislands, Senet, tortugasixteensixtyseven, medina, boomerangusa, barbu, lookatthestars, turnthetide, numberdrop, Haggis, Pond, biomos, mindup, carrara, unrest, District Noir, nangaparbat, Libertalia, krosmasterarena, fairytrails, Kubozaurai, Lords of Xidit, The Builders: Antiquity, fleet, kingsguild, Kahuna, hypnosia, zefiria, Rūmai, Gomoku, moonriver, babydinosaurrescue, claim, linx, envelopesofcash, flipfreighters, Tang Hu Lu, Not Alone, Splito, Buttons, noah, twentyfourseven, strands, ticketgagnant, homeworlds, qawale, diceathlon, mapsofmisterra, ultimatetictactoe, dragoncastle, boreal, steamrollers, quetzal, secretmoon, Nile, tinyturbocars, offtherails, Načio krūva, origin, oneohone, Legendiniai Išradėjai, amazonas, vaalbara, wastelandia, mow, Zooloretto, thegnomesofzavandor, Taluva, tictacmatch, thebrambles, Imhotep, tucano, tiwanaku, stockpile, caravan, timelinetwist, BuyWord, zuuli, dobbleconnect, norsemen, Lewis & Clark, marram, gogoa, flowersmandalagame, personanongrata, yaniv, vultureculture, Tournay, illustori, getonboardparisrome, Mapmaker: The Gerrymandering Game, Ludo, spacestationphoenix, orionduel, gostop, Rolling Pins, stonks, gofish, colorado, detectivepoker, girafferaffe, Connect6, Boomerang: Australia, baolakiswahili, ohseven, Thermopyles, narabi, sparts, crazyfarmers, regidice, dontgointhere, Dicy Cards, chimerastation, mascarade, Polis: Fight for the Hegemony, mechadream, teatime, briscola, nicodemus, festival, mighty, tinnerstrail, sevenknightsbewitched, battleforhill, Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe, Hawaii, oxono, farmclub, blot, pente, dotsandboxes, Uptown, Northwest Passage, Pyramid Poker, noirkvi, yokaiseptet, ageofchampagne, rainbow, oasis, Nine Men's Morris, hoarders, samarkand, khronos, toeshambo, consonar, digupadventure, pook, mercadodelisboaste, Circle of Life, fightthelandlord, Per amžius, powervacuum, elawa, almadi, goodcopbadcop, trickoftherails, monsterfactory, Hex, durak, ghostathome, Traškučiai, Blooms, knockoutwhist, Word Traveler, artthief, heroesofhellas, Stir Fry Eighteen, hokito, turncoats, goblinhood, quato, Sobek, goldwest, pontedeldiavolo, myfirstcastlepanic, onceuponaforest, schnapsen, aniversus, fifteendays, The Boss, solowhist, pinochle, giftoftulips, lumen, Paris Connection, roppyakken, Blackjack, spiritsoftheforest, crimezoom, vidrasso, penaltychallenge, thirtyone, humanity, dicesummoners, klaverjassen, vaultdenofthieves, kulami, florenzacardgame, ONE, yokai, Dinosaur Tea Party, springcleaning, skatelegend, pokerdice, batalladecoronas, cosmosempires, bigmonster, yoxii, Veggie Garden, khiva, kami, Fika, threethousandscoundrels, robotsateourpizza, bombay, xiangqi, legendraiders, letscatchthelion, astra, pescadonovo, aves, Hoola, Koryŏ, 8 Masters' Revenge, cradletograve, epizodiak, bossquest, Bobail, meridians, dingosdreams, riichimahjong, onda, xxung, Betta, squadro, gaia, Big Time Soccer, exitstrategy, fivethreefive, dronesvsseagulls, herd, oust, 12 Čipu triukų, cucco, boomerangeurope, logger, festivibes, shogi, Cinco, nainjaune, reflectionsinthelookingglass, bandada, inverteddice, gardennation, Gygès, soulaween, kmakici, rolledwest, getthemacguffin, cloudcity, volto, grandbazaar, lielow, thenumber, thewaytojuliet, piereighteen, China Gold, Qango, colorflush, restinpeace, Laiko Valdovai, Neutreeko, Pylos, nautilus, tienlen, rollintotown, veronatwist, thelast, Caïrn, mijnlieff, Balloon Pop!, maatatahay, Armadöra, forks, linkage, tinyfarms, quantik, Sevens, konane, riftvalleyreserve, cephalopod, quinque, roadtothreehoundred, leroydesribauds, kabaleo, cheeztricks, crazyeights, cucumber, allin, hadron, coinage, Saint Poker, Simplicity, bigtwo, sakura, parklife, guile, metz, bamboozle, trike, cookieaddict, minhwatu, fistfulofgold, United Square, draftcider, fractal, ladyandthetiger, mattock, Alveole, castlesofcaleira, hydroracers, sheepboombah, sensei, eck, paniclab, explorationwarzone, icebreaker, mia, Mod Ten, tinyepicdefenders, takaraisland, fourcolorcards, bahamataxi, Amyitis, Niagara, madeira, starshipmerchants, themotherroad, mate, tapas, empireplateau, ecarte, divercite, coupell, lasvegan, iceandthesky, toepen, yinyang, quattuorreges, splashdown, evl, soluna, vegetables, nap, lifeline, Silo, Flume, bug, tuned, babet, Uncle Chestnut's Table Gype, Diam's, djambi, Gear & Piston, Spyrium, The Jelly Monster Lab, twintinbots, assyria, metromaniab, Tamsos Agentas, ledernierpeuple, Evo: The “Game no Name”, jumpgate, kqj, Remember When, caribbeanallfours, Tablet, outlaws, signorie, guildes, ruhr, pennypress, gorami, mammalath, veletas, krosmasterblast, biyi, pedro, meadow, Grosstarock, Thirve, phat, herooj, homesteaders, murusgallicus, Zener, herrlof, Blaze, queenskings, forex, Gopher, canosa, faifo, troggu, talon, Factum, lostexplorers, minnesotawhist, artdecko, zola, imtheboss, tumbleweed, Pyrga, trusis, worldwidetennis, twinpalms, scriptoria, commanderchess, krakenup, rive, kingdoms, dragonbridge, dinnerinparis, ekonos, impasse, quintus, megalomania, Streets, microdojo, eriantys, ageofcivilization, nylonppong, blockarena, crypt, germanwhist, sergeantmajor, sahwari, twotenjack, quirkyquarks, fortytwo, tholos, eightyeight, cannonades, goldncrash, grund, fibonachos, lunar, zookeepers, resolve, belladonebluff, safariwitness, isaac, Tiki, Hack Trick, Dragon Line, Lines of Action, dragonkeeper, Apocalypse au Zoo de Carson City, siam, nxs, finity, emdomicrocosm, bids, theninedomains, Lineae, Senshi, calypso, egocentricworld, kingofthepitch, Dodo, mue, ladyschoice, morocco, heckinhounds, redstone, lamarcheducrabe, raubbau, diablo, perikles, seotda, sasaki, Coins, triatri, thegreatamericanfoxhunt, ynarosfallin, mutantcrops, alakablast, hund, micromidgard, circleoflifesavannah, enemyanemone
You play the games in your browser which is great.
App news
Jan 2016
Very popular with the online board gaming community.
Chaz Marler
Dec 2016
BGA has digital board games you won't find anywhere else.
Dave Neumann
Jan 2016
Drei Klicks zum Spielstart.
Jan Drewitz
2014 - Fairplay #9
Allez vous entrainer sur BGA, et foutre la patée à tous vos potes.
Dr Mops
TTtv BGA de l`interview
Prisijunk prie Arenos. Dabar.
Prisijunkite prie didžiausio žaidimų stalo pasaulyje.
Board Game Arena yra didžiausia internetinių stalo žaidimų paslauga pasaulyje.
Daugiau nei 11 milijonai priešininkų mesti iššūkį 930 žinomuose stalo žaidimuose.
Ateikite žaisti Ark Nova, Marso Teraformavimas, Wingspan, Azul, Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne (Karkasonas) ir dar daugiau!
Ši programa siūlo Board Game Arena žaidimų paslaugą „Android“ programoje. Jei jums ji patiks, žingsnis po žingsnio ją optimizuosime, kad ji taptų dar geresne programa, todėl prašome palaikyti ją :)
Realiu laiku arba ėjimais.
Per jūsų pietų pertrauką - ar jūsų transporto metu?
Tyliai namuose?
Vienam ar su draugais?
Žaisk savo greičiu :)
Pradedantysis ar Profesionalas?
Atraskite ir įvaldykite.
Mokykitės naujų žaidimų ar pagerinkite savo įgūdžius savo mėgstamiausiuose žaidimuose, visi savo tempu.
Norite naujų iššūkių? Prisijunkite prie reitinguotų žaidimų ir patenkinkite naujus iššūkius! Geriausi žaidėjai kyla per gretas!
Pastaba: naujausią galimų žaidimų sąrašo versiją galite rasti čia:
Ark Nova, Marso Teraformavimas, Wingspan, Azul, Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne (Karkasonas), harmonies, Forest Shuffle, Splendor, The Castles of Burgundy, Agricola, 7 Wonders Duel, spacebase, itsawonderfulworld, Cartographers, Can't Stop, Hanabi, arnak, 6 ima!, heat, 7 Stebuklai, castlecombo, Sea Salt & Paper, Ticket to Ride: Europe, ageofinnovation, azulsummerpavilion, darwinsjourney, challengers, distilled, Yahtzee, Lucky Numbers, King of Tokyo, Kingdomino, Patchwork, supermegaluckybox, Gizmos, Splendor Duel, greatwesterntrail, Stone Age, scythe, gaiaproject, orleans, sevenwondersarchitects, Welcome To, Hearts, Race for the Galaxy, handandfoot, Prarastas miestas, Rummy, memoir, Potion Explosion, mountaingoats, draftandwriterecords, faraway, BANG!, Tapestry, cubirds, Kingdom Builder, Marakaibas, Res Arcana, takenokolor, Nardai, frenchtarot, skyteam, Pandemija, Viticulture, barrage, Seasons, captainflip, earth, Flowers, A Feast for Odin, Railroad Ink, Puerto Rico, alhambra, Gyvas Miškas, Papayoo, Takenoko, valeofeternity, chakra, Planet Unknown, solstis, wizard, dvonn, Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization, Jaipur, obsession, Innovation, The Crew: Mission Deep Sea, Solo, Meilės Laiškas, Bunny Kingdom, riverofgold, Mojo, tichu, cribbage, beyondthesun, century, daybreak, The Isle of Cats, glassroad, toc, Break the Code, pathofcivilization, thecrew, nextstation, belote, Sushi Go!, Akropolis, Dice Forge, rollforthegalaxy, Pixies, altered, burglebros, coalbaron, Nova Luna, Just One, Saboteur, praga, newyorkzoo, Bubblee Pop, catinthebox, piratenkapern, martiandice, bandido, spades, turingmachine, Tzolk'in, Nidavellir, Yokohama, sagani, spellbook, Clans of Caledonia, Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers, bloodrage, Caverna, Saint Petersburg, anachrony, For Sale, marcopolotwo, regicide, lama, treos, newton, spots, downforce, minirogue, nextstationparis, Oh Hell!, bonsai, thefoxintheforest, coinche, framework, golf, odin, Knarr, Tokaido, barenpark, Can't Stop Express, metro, dinogenics, railwaysoftheworld, paxrenaissance, botanicus, nextstationtokyo, rivervalleyglassworks, Loco Momo, Sushi Go Party!, looot, carnegie, lagranja, gnomehollow, elgrande, mycityrb, Targi, Thurn and Taxis, texasholdem, Tigris & Euphrates, warchest, shogun, Russian Railroads, dicehospital, ultimaterailroads, evergreen, citadels, shiftingstones, chromino, applejack, Šachmatai, explodingkittens, hadrianswall, myshelfie, cosmoctopus, marcopolo, ancientknowledge, Decrypto, euchre, Koi-Koi... ir daugiau!