Legends of Hellas is a co-operative game in which players act as heroes trying to defeat mythological monsters. Unlike many other cooperative games, players cannot see each other’s cards. On top, they are not allowed to communicate with each other to provide hints about the cards they hold. Over the course of 1 to 12 missions, between 1 and 5 players will fight a series of terrifying monsters. Each mission requires the player(s) to defeat 7 monsters without running out of cards; their fate is in your hands!
Žaidėjų skaičius: 1 - 5
Žaidimo trukmė: 17 mn
Sudėtingumas: 3 / 5
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Taisyklių santrauka
Description from Publisher
Legends of Hellas is a cooperative game in which players act as heroes trying to defeat mythological monsters. Unlike many other cooperative games, players cannot see each other’s cards. On top, they are not allowed to communicate with each other to provide hints about the cards they hold. Over the course of 1 to 12 missions, between 1 and 5 players will fight a series of terrifying monsters. Each mission requires the player(s) to defeat 7 monsters without running out of cards; their fate is in your hands!
On their turn, a player must select and perform one of the following 5 actions:
Fight - Play one of your action cards face-up next to the monster card on which your hero disc is located.
Move - Whenever you move your hero disc from one monster card to another, you must discard 1 action card from your hand.
Recover - Draw action cards from the draw pile, so that you hold up to 5 action cards in your hand. No matter how many cards you draw, you must then discard a card from your hand, face-down.
Support - Give one or more cards from your hand to a fellow player. The receiving player must then discard at least 1 card from their hand to the discard pile, face-down.
Consult the Oracle - Draw the top 6 action cards from the deck and place them face-up on the table. Choose and discard one of those cards. Then return the remaining 5 cards to the top of the deck in any order of your choosing.
A mission is won when the last Chimera is defeated. However, if a player ever holds no action cards in their hand AND has to draw from the depleted draw pile, the mission is lost. On the other hand, if the draw pile is depleted but the players can still take turns with the cards in their hands, the mission may still be won.
Further Details
Defeating a monster requires 5 cards to be assigned to it of either of its two symbols. However, each symbol must be represented at least once. i.e. you can have 1 of symbol A and 4 of symbol B, or 3 of symbol A and 2 of symbol B, but can't have 5 of symbol A and 0 of symbol B.
Special Card - The divine Intervention (Lighting Symbol) card can be played in place of any other card type. Alternatively, if one of each symbol type has previously been played, a Divine Intervention card can be played to defeat a monster with 3 cards (or 4) instead of the normal 5.
At the end of a mission, a special boss monster, known as a Chimera will appear (This is a combo of 2 normal monsters). This requires 8 cards to defeat and again must be made up of one of each symbol at minimum, if symbols are duplicated then that symbol's minimum requirement increases by the amount of duplicates. In other words, a Chimera made up of 2 red, 1 blue, 1 green, requires at least 2 red, 1 blue, 1 green, plus a combination of those to make 8.
Once per game, each character can play a card face down and assign it the colour of their character. (e.g. Atalanta is yellow, so can play another colour card face down once in the whole game and cause it to be yellow)
You do not have to finish off one monster before moving and having a go at a different one.
Scenario Specifics
Refer to the rulebook for when new monsters will come into play as not every time one monster is defeated a new one will emerge. Also, generally, every scenario ends with a single Chimera
3. The Temples at the Acropolis
After 2nd defeated monster, 2 monsters appear
5. The Will of the Gods
Any player who uses a divine intervention action card to fight a monster must immediately perform the RECOVER action before the next player takes a turn, or before a new monster is put into play. This rule doesn’t apply when fighting the Chimera.
6. The Wrath of the Gods
Any player who uses a divine intervention action card to fight a monster must immediately put all cards in their hand face-down under the draw deck in a random order and then draw the same number of cards from the top of the draw deck. This rule doesn’t apply when fighting the Chimera.
7. The Madness of the Gods
Any player who uses a divine intervention action card to fight a monster must immediately put all cards in their hand face-down under the discard pile in a random order and then draw the same number of cards from the top of the discard pile. This rule doesn’t apply when fighting the Chimera.
8. The Aeolian Fields
There will be TWO Chimeras
9. The Aeolian Fields Part 2
There will be TWO Chimeras
10. The Gates to the Underworld
If any of the first 5 monsters is defeated by a divine intervention card, no new monster will come into play to replace it; this rule applies until there are 6 monsters in play. If defeating monsters by the use of divine intervention cards prevents the 6th monster from entering play, the mission is immediately lost.
12. The Descent to Tartarus
There are ZERO Chimera. There is ONE Hades. Hades comes into play as a Chimera consisting of 3 monster cards, and 10 action cards are needed to defeat him. He can only be defeated by a divine intervention card once a minimum of 1 action card has been played for each of his 6 attributes.