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#38959: "After playing Tent card, highlights are shown around sites that other player occupies"
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• Aprašykite rodomą problemą. Jei turite klaidos nuotrauką (rekomenduojama padaryti), galite panaudoti bei nuotrauką įkelti bei čia įklijuoti nuorodą.
Tent card should only allow you to re-use sites that the current player occupies, not opponents. Highlights give the wrong impression. I did not click the opponents sites though to see if it would allow the move.• Kokia tavo naršyklė?
Google Chrome v89
Raportų istorija
mindseye1 • Klaida dar neištirta programuotojų:
2021 bal. 15. 19:44 • Check to see if move is actually allowed. If so, remove this capability and only allow for current player.
Golbin • Klaida dar neištirta programuotojų:
2021 birž. 4. 12:37 • Here's a snapshot of my game
Browser: Google Chrome
System: Windows 10
NB: Windows Surface 4
Browser: Google Chrome
System: Windows 10
NB: Windows Surface 4
JeremyVS • Klaida dar neištirta programuotojų:
2021 rugs. 28. 17:00 • I have seen this bug as well. Selecting a site occupied by an opponent produced a message along the lines of "Site does not contain one of your archeologists", so it did not let me select the wrong location. I agree it should not highlight them as options, however. As-is, allowable actions still follows game rules, it just visually appears to be offering invalid choices.
JeremyVS • Klaida dar neištirta programuotojų:
2021 rugs. 28. 17:01 • Also, this is identical to bug report #38012. That bug report is marked as fixed, but the issue still exists.
augustjologs • Klaida dar neištirta programuotojų:
2021 spal. 1. 4:54 •
2021 lapkr. 8. 3:37 • Also happened in game# 204386680
When I used the Tent, it highlighted all occupied sites, including other players'. It should only highlight the site my archaeologists occupy, if any.
When I used the Tent, it highlighted all occupied sites, including other players'. It should only highlight the site my archaeologists occupy, if any.
diamant • Klaida dar neištirta programuotojų:
2021 lapkr. 8. 10:09 • If the player can choose invalid sites that are highlighted, it would be better not to highlight any sites.
Because it’s not helping the players to mislead them.
Because it’s not helping the players to mislead them.
Niiiice1 • Klaida dar neištirta programuotojų:
2021 lapkr. 21. 0:35 •
fillibuster • Klaida dar neištirta programuotojų:
2022 vas. 23. 4:24 • This still exists. I was playing Red and when I played Tent, the selection showed 4 spots I could re-activate and it was 2 Red and 2 Green (which was one of my opponents). This was a 3 player game and it never showed me being able to activate the Yellow player's spaces. I wonder if it thinks I'm Red and Green when I'm really just Red?
MegaSnooze • Klaida dar neištirta programuotojų:
2024 saus. 3. 17:06 • Also happened during our 2P game. Game highlighted all 4 spaces occupied by Red or Green at the time.
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- Jei turite klaidos nuotrauką (rekomenduojama padaryti), galite panaudoti bei nuotrauką įkelti bei čia įklijuoti nuorodą.