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theguildofmerchantexplorers_displayed pranešimai
#161393: "Make trading posts transparent on mouse-over, to see the city underneath"
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Siūlymas: manau, kad šis pakeitimas labai pagerintų žaidimą
Detalus apibūdinimas
• Prašome paaiškinti siūlomą pakeitimą tiksliai ir glaustai, kad būtų kuo lengviau suprasti, ką jūs siūlote.
Right now, trading post tokens are opaque, so there is no way to see the city underneath the token.
Being able to see the city is sometimes important - for instance, for the Avenia goal "place 2 trading posts on cities valued 3 or greater," (so that the player can tell whether they have achieved 0 or 1 of these trading posts so far).
It would be great if the trading post tokens were mostly transparent on mouse-over, the same way that explorers, villages, treasure tokens, etc. work.
Thanks for your hard work on this amazing implementation!• Kokia tavo naršyklė?
Google Chrome v133
Raportų istorija
2025 kov. 14. 14:15 •
darhf • Šio pasiūlymo kūrėjai dar neišanalizavo:
2025 kov. 17. 11:39 • You can hide every token by clicking on the 👁️🏠 button right under your name on the top-right of the map.
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