#161038: "Acolyte of Growth: placing heroic piece not possible"
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• Kurį žaidimo veiksmą norėjai atlikti?
Acolyte of Growth card text says: place 1 common piece on an empty field, then if the Gateway is on a green field (this was the case) place a heroic piece on an empty field adjacent to that new common piece. I wanted to do both.• Ką reikia padaryti, kad iššauktum šį žaidimo veiksmą?
I summoned Acolyte of Growth and had a gateway on a green field. I then placed 1 common piece. then my turn ended without giving me the option to place that heroic piece.• Kas įvyko kai bandei tai padaryti (klaidos pranešimas, žaidimo būsenos pranešimas, ...)?
I couldnt do it.• Kokia tavo naršyklė?
Mozilla v5
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