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wolfandsheeps_displayed pranešimai
#158400: "Game progression start at 50% and ends at 65%, but should start at 0% and end at 100%"
fixed: Klaida pataisyta
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• Aprašykite rodomą problemą. Jei turite klaidos nuotrauką (rekomenduojama padaryti), galite panaudoti bei nuotrauką įkelti bei čia įklijuoti nuorodą.
At the start of the game, before any player did any turn, the game progression was shown as 50%. At the end of the game, after the last turn, I.e. when the white player is announced to be the winner, the game progress was shown as 65%.
Progression should start at 0% at the beginning of the of the game, got increased with every turn and end at 100% at the end of the game. I know, that it is not easy to calculate a good progression value, but as the BGA studio guidelines says: „Game progression should be as accurate as possible. Of course, its not always easy (or even possible) to compute game progression, but a vague approximation is better than nothing.“• Kokia tavo naršyklė?
Safari v18.3
Raportų istorija
Thomas • Klaida dar neištirta programuotojų:
2025 vas. 18. 6:25 • To improve progression calculation, I suggest to consider at least the following:
1. At game start, progression should be 0%.
2. The wolfes can only move forward. That limit each wolf to a maximum of 7 moves. The wolf player has 4 pawns, so they can move not more than 28 times,
3. The sheep can move forward and backward. The does not limit the number of moves. But as both players move one after the other, the sheep player can not have more turns that the wolf player (plus 1 move, if the sheep player is the starting player). So, there could not be more than 57 moves in a single game. => Each turn should increase the progress by at least 1.75 (which is 1/57).
4. At the end of the game, the progress should be set to 100%. This should be done when the winner is announced. Note, that the game announces the winner, as soon as it is obvious that the sheep can not be blocked any more, even so the official win condition has not been met.
That would be a simple calculation of progression. It would cause a big step for the last turn of the game, but it at least takes into account how many tuns are possible if both players behave as if they need to do as much moves as possible. (Not sure, if you could detect situations, where black gets stuck and cannot move all 4 black pawns to the last line of the board.)
1. At game start, progression should be 0%.
2. The wolfes can only move forward. That limit each wolf to a maximum of 7 moves. The wolf player has 4 pawns, so they can move not more than 28 times,
3. The sheep can move forward and backward. The does not limit the number of moves. But as both players move one after the other, the sheep player can not have more turns that the wolf player (plus 1 move, if the sheep player is the starting player). So, there could not be more than 57 moves in a single game. => Each turn should increase the progress by at least 1.75 (which is 1/57).
4. At the end of the game, the progress should be set to 100%. This should be done when the winner is announced. Note, that the game announces the winner, as soon as it is obvious that the sheep can not be blocked any more, even so the official win condition has not been met.
That would be a simple calculation of progression. It would cause a big step for the last turn of the game, but it at least takes into account how many tuns are possible if both players behave as if they need to do as much moves as possible. (Not sure, if you could detect situations, where black gets stuck and cannot move all 4 black pawns to the last line of the board.)
Jonathan2004 • Klaida dar neištirta programuotojų:
2025 vas. 18. 9:57 •
2025 vas. 18. 11:20 • Hi,
1. The first version of the game was using a 0% progress at start, but I was asked to change to 50% at start like other BGA abstract games (chess or something like that) in order to let players CONCEDE as fast as possible.
(See ticket #101827 :
2+3. Yes it is used to compute the progress from 50% to 100%
4. To analyze
1. The first version of the game was using a 0% progress at start, but I was asked to change to 50% at start like other BGA abstract games (chess or something like that) in order to let players CONCEDE as fast as possible.
(See ticket #101827 :
2+3. Yes it is used to compute the progress from 50% to 100%
4. To analyze
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- Jei turite klaidos nuotrauką (rekomenduojama padaryti), galite panaudoti bei nuotrauką įkelti bei čia įklijuoti nuorodą.