#136341: "Could not play legendary without improvised summoning after playing Possessed Summoner"
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• Kurį žaidimo veiksmą norėjai atlikti?
Around move 373, I wanted to summon a Bone Catapult using the green player’s pieces.• Ką reikia padaryti, kad iššauktum šį žaidimo veiksmą?
I played a Possessed Summoner, placed a common green piece, and discarded a flare, then tried to play my Bone Catapult on R5C7.• Kas įvyko kai bandei tai padaryti (klaidos pranešimas, žaidimo būsenos pranešimas, ...)?
The game required me to use an improvised summoning in blue to play the piece, despite the full pattern existing in the green pieces. I was able to summon the Bone Catapult in a different location (R6C6) using only green pieces, but that isn’t where I wanted to play it.• Kokia tavo naršyklė?
Safari v17.6
Raportų istorija
(which I did not find the time to fix, admittedly)
Thanks for the detailed report though!
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