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#130871: "Trader Action: Change "Done" to "No further trades""
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• Prašome paaiškinti siūlomą pakeitimą tiksliai ir glaustai, kad būtų kuo lengviau suprasti, ką jūs siūlote.
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Kokia tavo naršyklė?
Mozilla v5
Raportų istorija
2024 liep. 18. 10:32 •
kevan • Šio pasiūlymo kūrėjai dar neišanalizavo:
2024 rugp. 27. 19:24 • Some more recent discussion of the Cancel/Done question at
Looking again at this I can't tell whether the string is being used anywhere else in the game, so it may be safer to revert it to "Cancel" than to refer specifically to the trading action.
Looking again at this I can't tell whether the string is being used anywhere else in the game, so it may be safer to revert it to "Cancel" than to refer specifically to the trading action.
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