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wolfandsheeps_displayed pranešimai
#103159: "Game box and icon too similar to checkers?"
implemented: Šis pasiūlymas įgyvendintas
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Siūlymas: manau, kad šis pakeitimas labai pagerintų žaidimą
Detalus apibūdinimas
• Prašome paaiškinti siūlomą pakeitimą tiksliai ir glaustai, kad būtų kuo lengviau suprasti, ką jūs siūlote.
I know this game uses checker pieces, but it's hard to identify the game with this icon and game box.
Perhaps changing into something which is related to 'Wolf and Sheep' might be better?• Kokia tavo naršyklė?
Google Chrome v118
Raportų istorija
2023 lapkr. 5. 4:47 •
Jonathan2004 • Šis pasiūlymas įgyvendintas:
2023 lapkr. 13. 20:23 • I added some free to use images on a screenshot of the board,
Feel free to ask for other images changes.
At first, I didn't put those animals on the image because it's not the same animals in other languages/versions
Feel free to ask for other images changes.
At first, I didn't put those animals on the image because it's not the same animals in other languages/versions
ufm • Šis pasiūlymas įgyvendintas:
2023 lapkr. 13. 20:45 • Banner and game title image are also required to reach beta:
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