#98127: "Unable to play bridge card cost me the game"
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Kas nutiko? Pasirinkite iš žemiau esančio sąrašo
Kas nutiko? Pasirinkite iš žemiau esančio sąrašo
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# | Status | Votes | Game | Type | Title | Last update |
Detalus apibūdinimas
• Jei ekrane matote kokį nors klaidos pranešimą, įklijuokite jį čia.
I wanted to play bridge card, game would not allow me to play any cards, I could only pass. Happened x 2 moves and cost me the game. I had played this played and lost x 4, so this was very upsetting for me!!• Prašome paaiškinti, ką norėjote padaryti, ką padarėte ir kas atsitiko
Force close app and re-open
Click on link in game to refresh
Nothing worked• Kokia tavo naršyklė?
Safari v16.6
• Prašome nukopijuoti / įklijuoti tekstą, rodomą anglų kalba, o ne savo kalba. Jei turite klaidos nuotrauką (rekomenduojama padaryti), galite panaudoti Imgur.com bei nuotrauką įkelti bei čia įklijuoti nuorodą.
I wanted to play bridge card, game would not allow me to play any cards, I could only pass. Happened x 2 moves and cost me the game. I had played this played and lost x 4, so this was very upsetting for me!!• Ar šis tekstas yra translation system? Jei taip, ar jis buvo išverstas daugiau nei 24 valandas?
Force close app and re-open
Click on link in game to refresh
Nothing worked• Kokia tavo naršyklė?
Safari v16.6
• Prašome paaiškinti siūlomą pakeitimą tiksliai ir glaustai, kad būtų kuo lengviau suprasti, ką jūs siūlote.
I wanted to play bridge card, game would not allow me to play any cards, I could only pass. Happened x 2 moves and cost me the game. I had played this played and lost x 4, so this was very upsetting for me!!• Kokia tavo naršyklė?
Safari v16.6
• Kas buvo pavaizduota ekrane, tave užblokavus (juodas ekranas? Nepilna žaidimo sąsaja? Klaidos pranešimas?)
I wanted to play bridge card, game would not allow me to play any cards, I could only pass. Happened x 2 moves and cost me the game. I had played this played and lost x 4, so this was very upsetting for me!!• Kokia tavo naršyklė?
Safari v16.6
• Į kurias taisykles neatsižvelgiama BGA žaidimo versijoje
I wanted to play bridge card, game would not allow me to play any cards, I could only pass. Happened x 2 moves and cost me the game. I had played this played and lost x 4, so this was very upsetting for me!!• Ar taisyklių pažeidimas matomas žaidimo atkartojime? Jeigu taip, kuris veiksmo numeris?
Force close app and re-open
Click on link in game to refresh
Nothing worked• Kokia tavo naršyklė?
Safari v16.6
• Kurį žaidimo veiksmą norėjai atlikti?
I wanted to play bridge card, game would not allow me to play any cards, I could only pass. Happened x 2 moves and cost me the game. I had played this played and lost x 4, so this was very upsetting for me!!• Ką reikia padaryti, kad iššauktum šį žaidimo veiksmą?
Force close app and re-open
Click on link in game to refresh
Nothing worked• Kas įvyko kai bandei tai padaryti (klaidos pranešimas, žaidimo būsenos pranešimas, ...)?
Error message but I didn’t capture what it said• Kokia tavo naršyklė?
Safari v16.6
• Kuriuo žaidimo metu problema atsirado (koks buvo tuometinis žaidimo nurodymas)?
I wanted to play bridge card, game would not allow me to play any cards, I could only pass. Happened x 2 moves and cost me the game. I had played this played and lost x 4, so this was very upsetting for me!!• Kas įvyko kai bandei atlikti žaidimo veiksmą (klaidos pranešimas, žaidimo būsenos pranešimas, ...)?
Force close app and re-open
Click on link in game to refresh
Nothing worked• Kokia tavo naršyklė?
Safari v16.6
• Aprašykite rodomą problemą. Jei turite klaidos nuotrauką (rekomenduojama padaryti), galite panaudoti Imgur.com bei nuotrauką įkelti bei čia įklijuoti nuorodą.
I wanted to play bridge card, game would not allow me to play any cards, I could only pass. Happened x 2 moves and cost me the game. I had played this played and lost x 4, so this was very upsetting for me!!• Kokia tavo naršyklė?
Safari v16.6
• Prašome nukopijuoti / įklijuoti tekstą, rodomą anglų kalba, o ne savo kalba. Jei turite klaidos nuotrauką (rekomenduojama padaryti), galite panaudoti Imgur.com bei nuotrauką įkelti bei čia įklijuoti nuorodą.
I wanted to play bridge card, game would not allow me to play any cards, I could only pass. Happened x 2 moves and cost me the game. I had played this played and lost x 4, so this was very upsetting for me!!• Ar šis tekstas yra translation system? Jei taip, ar jis buvo išverstas daugiau nei 24 valandas?
Force close app and re-open
Click on link in game to refresh
Nothing worked• Kokia tavo naršyklė?
Safari v16.6
• Prašome paaiškinti siūlomą pakeitimą tiksliai ir glaustai, kad būtų kuo lengviau suprasti, ką jūs siūlote.
I wanted to play bridge card, game would not allow me to play any cards, I could only pass. Happened x 2 moves and cost me the game. I had played this played and lost x 4, so this was very upsetting for me!!• Kokia tavo naršyklė?
Safari v16.6
Raportų istorija
"Unexpected error: Error while processing X
database request (reference: GS5 17/09
Tried to move to laptop and the issue was the same. Refreshing doesn't help. Went onto turn based play but still doesn't work
At the end with all cards revealed in a mine, the bridge can't be played despite tradeable cards available.
DIG UP Adventure #421719069
Table #429856940
Coup # 115
F5 not resolved the bug
Table = 435642490
End of game, I played a squeleton on 8 postion, then I wanted to play the bridge to exchange squeleton with blue 8. Error !!!!!
End of game, I wanted to play the bridge to exchange hidden card on position 9 with opponen hidden card on position 6. Error !!!!!
Erreur inattendue : Erreur lors de l'exécution d'une requête vers la base de données (reference: GS4 17/04 11:24:35)
Table : #500932727
Coup #146
Table 504601524
Move 95
I couldn’t play the bridge for the last move
Table 508304189
Tried two devices on chrome and safari. No change. Refresh not effective.
Table 508559714
Move 4
Play stuck.
Coup #166
Progression 88%
Can't play Bridge
Coup #145
Progression 99%
Can't play Bridge
Coup #96
Progression 99%
Can't play Bridge
Coup #137
Progression 88%
I can not use the bridge on 4 yellow but on idol yes !!!!
I lost the game
Coup #158
Progression 99%
Can not play the bridge
Move #170 and 186
Can't play bridge, throws
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS1 04/07 23:04:52)
Coup #136
Progression 88%
Can not play the bridge
Coup 110
Can not play the bridge
Papildyti šį raportą
- Kitas stalo ID / ėjimo ID
- Ar F5 išsprendė šią problemą?
- Ar problemos atsirado keletą kartų? Kiekvieną kartą? Atsitiktiniu metu?
- Jei turite klaidos nuotrauką (rekomenduojama padaryti), galite panaudoti Imgur.com bei nuotrauką įkelti bei čia įklijuoti nuorodą.